How Our Conference Call Service Works:

Guest Entry:
STEP 1. Each guest calls assigned dial-in number
STEP 2. Enter GUEST Conference Room Number
STEP 3. Record name followed by pound (#) key
If guests arrive before the host, they will be placed in a waiting room with music on hold, until the host arrives. All guests who arrive after the host will automatically join the call and an entry tone will play to the conference.
Host Entry: (Start Conference)
STEP 1. Host calls assigned dial-in number
STEP 2. Enter HOST Conference Room number
STEP 3. Record name followed by pound (#) key
Once the host arrives the call will automatically begin.
Host Menu Options:
Press star (*) and the number to activate options listed below
Sub Conference Room 1
Conference Room
End Call
Turn ON/OFFGuest Speaking Privileges
Enhanced Features:
Turn ON/OFF Conference Recording*
Play Roll Call
Lock/Unlock Conference Room
*High quality CD recordings of conferences can be made at the time of the conference. You simply press the record option when on a conference call to begin or end recording your conference at any time.
Guest Menu Options:
Options 1 & 2 - Sub Conference Rooms 1 and 2 respectively
Option 0 places the user back in the main conference room.
SELF MUTING - # (Pound) key is the self mute feature. This will turn the mute feature on and off for each individual. Helpful if caller is on a bad cellular phone connection or is in a noisy location.
Click here if you forgot your Dial In #, Guest Room Number, or Host Room Number